Change,  Creative

The Shell

*Accompanying ambient track by Kanary. Photo by Oswald Wittower.

Phoebe Yí Lìng poetry

Stifled sounds of wild ocean waves;

The shell, so pretty and meek, 
An obedient shade of pearly white.

Walls smooth and cool to the touch;
The only reminder that I’m still alive. 

In the darkness, I dream of freedom, 
Reaching for the sunrise on the horizon of my insides. 

Between cramped curves and corners, 
Echoes of desperation. 

Lashing out with vengeful cries, 
Retaliation brings cracks and slivers of light. 

But then…

I withdraw back into the darkness,
Exhausted from the fight;

Finding comfort in the familiarity of the only reality I know. 

Weighted down, flesh and bones, 
I claw at my insides for a chance at real life. 

Blurs of golden red flash numbingly before my eyes
As I clamber through guts, gore, and putrid slime, 

Hands trembling, barely gripping the sunlight, 
Remnants of the blessed shell left dragging behind.

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