Being Myself,  Confidence,  Connection,  Individualism,  Life Skills,  Reflective

Trusting Myself

I’ve spent most of life trying to be someone else; to find acceptance, validation, praise.  When I realized that I wanted something different, I then became interested in people whose lives I admired. I thought that if I mimicked them and knew all their secrets, I’d have all the answers.
Now, I’m aware that following behind in someone else’s footsteps isn’t the answer either. But it seemed so much easier to follow what had already been laid out than finding my own path. A true teacher eventually sends you on your way. They recognize that having followers is a detriment to the growth of those they truly wish to support.
Finding our own way through life is tough. It’s scary and takes courage to go at it on our own. Once we’ve started to map out our own views of the world, however, we understand how much more value we bring those around us. Not everyone may acknowledge it, but being your own person with your own unique take on life is a much richer contribution to the world than simply being a follower.
Question, experiment, and take risks. Find what it is that makes sense to you and share that with others. Be open to listen, understand a different point of view, and continuously refine your approach to where it is you are headed.
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