

+This post is from the first edition of my blog entitled You Are Here+

Last night, the Toronto Raptors made history.  The first (and only) Canadian team in the NBA to ever win a championship.  People across the country are going nuts.  And so they should.  This is huge!!! 

From CBC News

I had the chance to catch up on all they hype when I was in Toronto last weekend.  I watched game 4 with my family and I really enjoyed it.  When crucial game 5 and then 6 came along, however, I kind of just forgot to care.  Does this make me a bad person?

I’m all for a nation coming together to support a cause.  Solidarity, hard work, and celebration are all things I value, but at the end of the day, what will this NBA championship really bring us?  If you are one of the millions celebrating after the Raptors’ big win, could you tell me why it’s such a big deal to you personally?  No harm intended – I’m genuinely curious as to what you feel and think. 

To explain my cynicism, there are countless situations of life and death going on around the world that could benefit from this kind of attention and feeling of collective support.

Experts say that we have only about 11 years to drastically turn our lifestyles around if we want even a chance of salvaging what’s left of our planet (needless to mention the long list of other messed up crap taking place around the globe).  Do Raptors fans care about that?  Maybe you are one of the millions celebrating and you’re also Canada’s #1 environmental, human rights, or animal welfare activist.  Well, great!  Let’s connect so we can have a real conversation about why this all matters.


Today, I turn 33 and I’d like to believe I lead a pretty conscious lifestyle.  People are sometimes upset by the questions I raise, but my intentions come from a good place.  My thirties are teaching me more about who I am, and what I love is to dig deep and get to the bottom of why people think, feel, or act in certain ways.  Although I can sometimes come off as a total witch, time is teaching me not to dwell on that so much anymore.

Me pooping on everyone’s parade:
Watch clip from Problem Child here