Change,  Confidence,  Connection,  Creative,  Ethereal

Expand Your Possibilities

Expand Your Possibilities is the name of my latest Reiki Program.  Over a period of 6 sessions, my intention is to support others in clearing space within themselves in order to make room for new opportunities.  Especially at a time like this, when all we hear about is confinement and distancing, I felt it relevant to focus on building a stronger connection to self and in doing so, overcoming limitations.  

While many may not know what Reiki is or how it works, I’d like to describe it as the gentle kick in the butt we all need from time to time to get us moving in the right direction.  Having so far worked with about 10 clients over an 8-12 week timeframe, the feedback I’ve received has pointed to an increase in self-awareness, clarity, and confidence.  

Whenever I work one on one with an individual, it’s a mutual exchange.  My aim is to create an intentional space for the person to relax and rest in their being, allowing me to channel my creativity.  It’s a fine balance between me as the practitioner cultivating presence throughout our session and as the receiver, an openness to welcome whatever surfaces in their experience.  

Through this flow of energy, there are images and messages that come through during the session that are then shared with the receiving individual.  Now as a disclaimer, I make sure to explain that what I perceive in my experience is an interpretation.  Just how anybody would interpret an abstract painting in their own way, it’s perfectly normal and ok for my perception to differ from that of another.  

As with any work between individuals, however, when there is a connection and a good fit, a correlation does seem to emerge between my experience and that of the receiving individual, leading us down a path of deep and heartfelt conversation.

Regardless of the outcome, I do make it a point in my practice to not provide any concrete solutions or advice, although it’s not uncommon for this expectation to arise.  The foundation of my work is the belief in every individual’s power to know themselves and to make the right choices for themselves; my role is to simply remind them of their abilities and to reconnect them to a higher level of awareness.

Given what I do, some might call me a coach or mentor, although those titles don’t seem to resonate with who I am.  While I continue contemplating how to properly express my work in just a few short words, I’d like to emphasize that it’s a mutually beneficial exchange, where not only do I share and put my abilities into practice, but I equally learn and uncover aspects of my own being as we go along. 


Feeling called to explore how Reiki can support you in your process of growth and expansion?  I’d be thrilled to hear from you!


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