Connection,  Reflective

OFF with her HEAD!

When the Queen of Hearts ordered for Alice to be offed with her head, could it be that instead of a death wish, this was really a precious gift she wanted to impart to the young girl??  How wonderful would life be if we didn’t have our thoughts to control us and we could all simply go about life as sentient beings?  

No head = no thoughts.  Without our thoughts, what are we??  Some might say absolutely nothing, since our thoughts are basically what make up who we think we are, what we do, how we do it and why we think we do.  This morning, my thoughts are what got me to start prepping the crust and filling for a broccoli cheddar quiche before sitting down to write, knowing that I only have about 2 hours before I have to get ready for Sunday lunch.  My thoughts are also what’ve motivated me to be more intentional with the time I spend in creative flow.  And these are just sort of the simple and mundane thoughts that one can have.  

As I’m sure we all know, our thoughts have a depth that can sometimes lead us down a very dark and harrowing path; whether it’s constantly fixating on something that happened in the past, or worrying about something that hasn’t yet happened in the future, holding onto feelings, memories, or projections is essentially a form of self-sabotage that can actually be lethal.  The same can be said about ideas around power, sex, money, and all things material — what we think we want and need ends up becoming a never ending quest for fulfillment.

So maybe a beheading is a good thing, don’t you think?  No thoughts = only feeling = easier access to the natural forces that are here to guide us through this life more fluidly and peacefully. Unfortunately, since our heads are here to stay, one has to find a way to manage the endless thinking that comes with our clumsy human hardware.  What are some ways that you find peace??  In my next post, I share some of the channels that currently work for me.

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