Creative,  Reflective

The Leap

++This post is from the first edition of my blog entitled You Are Here++


About 2 years ago, I read a book by Rick Smith called The Leap: How 3 Simple Changes Can Propel Your Career from Good to Great.  At the time, I was back at university part-time hoping to move my career in a different direction and substitute teaching in order to pay the bills.

The success stories in Smith’s book about regular people with regular jobs who were eventually able to transform personal interest and passion into their new career was something of which I could only dream (am I right?).

Two years later, I am proud to say that my own “leap” in attempt to propel my own career from good to great has been.. fraught with fear and self-doubt.  Regardless, I am here to say that yes, I am proud to find myself in a position of uncertainty, fear, and doubt.  I made it all the way up here, in a tiny airplane with no door — a place that a rare few would dare go.  What comes next won’t be easy, but I have to keep telling myself that I am one step closer to where I want to be.

Mombasa, April 2016: Actually about to the take a leap into the radiant blue skies over the Kenyan coast.

Welcome to You Are Here, a place to share anecdotes of inspiration, failure, success, and most importantly, learning.  The blog is a little leap forward on the path that I have finally chosen to take — a path towards growth, love, and contentment.  Thank you for being here!