
Visit to Nunavik

By now, Puvirnituq and the rest of Nunavik is covered in white. This is from my trip in Oct. 2022 for my work as a Gladue writer, which has given me the chance to learn about the Inuit of Nunavik and the effects that policies of assimilation have had on their communities, families, and people.

One of my biggest roles when meeting with individuals is to listen. Sometimes, I find myself caught up in the process of simply collecting information, which I have to remind myself is secondary to the building of trust and understanding. There are other times when questioning certain points is necessary to reach a more objective understanding of the situation (challenging to know when and how to do this). There’s also an aspect of cultural awareness required for a more conscientious navigation of the conversation. Part of my job is not to plead for anyone’s case, but to relay relevant information without interpretation.

There’s still so much to learn, but it’s been a humbling and enriching experience

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